Acupuncture Facelift Treatment
How often do you take your face to the gym? If you have been tempted to get a facelift but don’t want to go under the knife, this natural treatment may be for you. The Acupuncture Facelift treatment is the newest weapon in the anti-aging war. It is actually exercising the muscles of your face and improves circulation of the skin. You may look 5 or 10 years younger after a treatment.
If you are interested in knowing more about this treatment feel free to contact us, give us a call and we will answer all your questions. Schedule a visit or a consultation, we are here to help you feel and look better.
Learn more about Acupuncture’s benefits here.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have survived the test of time and is gaining popularity all over the world. Please come to our Pure Zen Wellness Clinic and experience first hand the benefits of this ancient medicine. Let us help you unblock the stuck energy so that all the organs get the energy and nourishment they need.
+1 (760) 710-0234
317 North El Camino Real, Suite 104, Encinitas, CA 92024