Chinese Herbology is a sophisticated system of health care that utilizes plant materials to improve well-being. It uses the same energetic principles as acupuncture. Chinese herbal medicine is traditional, yet continues to evolve. China has done much research to incorporate innovation for new herbal applications. Many of the Chinese herbal prescriptions have been used for hundreds of years and have been proven effective through clinical usage. Formulas are prescribed that fit your exact condition.
What are Chinese Herbs? Chinese herbs have served as the foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine 5,000 years. The fundamental idea of living in harmony with nature and the environment forms the basis for the use of Chinese herbs. Knowledge of the healing power of Chinese herbs has been passed down from generation to generation, and today represents one of China’s greatest gifts to mankind. The isolation of China throughout history plays a role in the general lack of understanding about Chinese herbs by other world civilizations. However, since the opening of China in 1972, knowledge of the ancient healing powers of Chinese herbs has been gradually spreading to western countries. Chinese herbs are now experiencing a rapid increase in usage and popularity.
Chinese medical experts promote a healthful balance of yin and yang – two forces present in all of nature. When yin or yang forces or Qi/energy levels are off-balance in the body and spirit, health problems arise. Chinese herbs and herbal remedies are used to help realign an individual’s yin or yang balance in order to improve overall well-being. Chinese herbal formulas include hundreds of popular organic ingredients that work in harmony to produce the desired effects in a person’s body. These ingredients are primarily of plant origin and may include roots, bark, seeds, flowers and leaves. Each organic ingredient typically has unique characteristics (i.e. yin/yang balancing, Qi/energy boosting, etc.) that are reinforced and harmonized in comprehensive ancient Chinese herbal formulas that have been passed down through the years. For each formula, a brief description of the formula and its actions is provided.
We offer customized Chinese herbal formulas to address the specific health conditions of each patient. Our Chinese herbs are offered in the form of granules, manufactured by world class laboratories under the strictest GMP standards. The herbal remedies distributed by Pure Zen Wellness are intended to treat internal medicinal conditions of our patients and control pain and inflammation during the process of healing.
+1 (760) 710-0234
317 North El Camino Real, Suite 104, Encinitas, CA 92024
Acupuncture | Chinese Herbal Medicine | Nutrition | NAET | NET | Moxibustion | Cupping/Gua Sha | Tui Na/Massage | Acupuncture Face Lift